Get in touch and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. We look forward to hearing from you!
Sewanee 4th of July Committee
Committee Chairperson: Dylan McClure
Street Dance: Sewanee Business Alliance
Flag Raising Chairperson: Margaret Beaumont Zucker
MSSA Annual Pub Run: Scott Parrish
Arts and Crafts Chairperson: Bracie Parker
Food Vendor Chairperson: Savannah McClure
Mutt Show Chairperson: Bentley Cook
Children’s Games Chairperson:
Cake Contest: Paula Yeatman with the Sewanee Woman’s Club
Parade Chairs:
Fireworks: The Sewanee Police Department & Fire Department
Please consider making a donation to our Celebration! There are two ways to donate: Check, or the Community Chest!
Check Payable to: Sewanee 4th of July
Sewanee Fourth of July Committee
Post Office Box 74
Sewanee, TN 37375