Calling all cake bakers! It is time to put your cakes on display. Do you have a favorite cake recipe or a talent for cake decorating? Showcase your skills by entering your cake in the Sewanee Woman’s Club Annual Cake Contest. Entering is free of charge.
The categories are Best Tasting, Best Decorated and Best Representation of Theme. Let your creativity shine with this year’s theme – “Red White and Blue — Thankful for You”
Adult winners of the Best Tasting, Best Decorated, and Best Representation of theme will receive gift cards from Piggly Wiggly, Frame Gallery and The Sewanee Inn.
Adult winners of the Best Tasting, Best Decorated, and Best Representation of the Theme will be entered in the Best All-Around Category. The winner of Best All-Around category will receive $100 courtesy of The Sewanee Mountain Messenger and a $50 gift certificate from The Lemon Fair. And, the baker of the best all-around cake rides in a car in the parade wearing the famous winner’s hat.
Youth (under 13) winners will receive $10 from The Sewanee Mountain Messenger and a card for ice cream from The Blue Chair
Print the registration form and bring it with you on July 4. Or, you can register when you bring your cake to the American Legion between 9-9:45 a.m. on, July 4. If you want to write a short description of the cake, please bring it with you and we will put it alongside your entry. You may also want to take a picture of your cake and print it out so we can put it by your cake. That way, everybody will get to see your artwork after the judging.
Winners will be announced at noon.
Please download, complete, and print the form below. Bring the form with you.